Printing & Copying
Most schools either lease or buy copiers and printers. They typically source them from a manufacturers agent, an IT reseller or even an office supplies provider. They usually sign up for a 3-5 year maintenance agreement and pay for the consumables (toner cartridges) when they need them or as a “cost per page” with the supplier. Schools tend to buy the paper separately from an office stationary company and provided they have negotiated what they think is a great cost per page and a good paper price, most feel happy they have done a good job. Sound Familiar?
Wrong. The consequence of this approach is that schools usually pay way above what they should be despite getting a better price than their last contract. Why? They are not informed if they have the right device or if they are being used efficiently.
They often have to wait for devices to be repaired when faulty and are not advised on how to save money because it’s simply not in the interest of providers to do that . Worse still, some schools get trapped into a situation where the provider supplies new devices periodically so the lease or maintenance period is not co-terminus !
Result : Wrong devices, poor technology, unnecessary expenses, no page reductions, frustrated users.
2 headline KPIs give high level indicators as to whether a school is getting value for money (VFM) and is printing sustainably.
The 1st is the cost of print per pupil / cost of Print (Print leases + service charges+ CPC) divided by the number of pupils.
The second KPI is the volume of paper used per pupil per year. Underneath this, there are a number of associated KPI’s such as A3/A4 ratio, cost per colour page, cost per mono page, number of scans etc. all VFM and efficiency indicators.
So how can
Tepo Consulting help?
First and foremost the founder of TEPO Consulting has over 20 years of experience in business printing and has an extensive knowledge of best practice in the sector.
Second, most business sectors (especially Education) are printing less and less and your pupils expect you to set examples on how to reduce the use of paper. TEPO Consulting can build a print strategy that will help your school optimise existing devices, reduce current and future cost, improve support with proactive maintenance and deliver more flexibility to your fleet requirements over time .

Lastly, TEPO collaborates with an independent expert in the sector who is used by many printing companies to deliver the most cost effective fleets for the vendor. Mr. Hanspeter Heer of P Innotech GMBH can deliver a quick and easy to introduce print strategy and ensure your school gets the best value for money on the market today.

Interested ? Please get in Touch