It’s not an exaggeration to say that energy expenses are not only a significant cost for schools (particularly in recent times), but the use and misuse of energy can also contribute significantly to the school carbon footprint.
It is also common knowledge that organisations with sustainable development (SDG) and energy reduction goals are becoming more and more valued both by parents and students in their school selection process.
Consequently, energy metrics (KPI’s) are important to schools both from an economic and CSR perspective. Benchmarking Total Energy Spend Per Annum (Gas, Electricty, Water ) and Energy Cost per Pupil per annum are two simple financial metrics. The Carbon Footprint per pupil derived from energy and other inputs is also an important sustainability benchmark that most schools now measure.
So how can
Tepo Consulting help?
In Switzerland, the cost of energy is pretty much regulated by federal and cantonal authorities, so there is little that can be done to influence the price per unit of energy.
However, there are number of cantonal and federal subventions that can help in driving down the total costs, usually via an audit of building efficiency (CECB) and/or by equipment efficiency (PEIK).

Tepo Consulting has teamed up with a specialist independent certified energy efficiency consultant, Dario Santandrea, who delivers Swiss Private schools with a custom audit of both Cost & Carbon footprint together with improvement recommendations.
These cost savings will usually deliver in excess of 30% annual savings, improve your SDG metrics with a fast ROI and best of all, the report itself will be unbiased & cost less than any energy company can deliver.

For more information contact Dario Santandrea