Extra-Curricular Activities
Extra-Curricular activities may not always be at the top of a schools priority list but the range and quality of extra-curricular activities ranks in the top selection criteria of parents and pupils when choosing a school. Research also suggests that participation in structured after-school programs and activities is beneficial for kids, improving social skills, emotional development, and academic results.
Too often schools offer either too many or too few ECA options or offer the same options year after year without upgrading the mix to meet the students hopes and expectations.
In addition , these activities often absorb too much time and often contain risk. Worse still, some schools do not have time to manage the credentials of the providers and some even lose money from what should be contributing to the gross margin of the school.
Tepo consulting review a few key indicators as part of their operational assessment to help you get a feel for whether your extracurricular activities are contributing or detracting from the schools value.
KPIs include :
- Extracurricular spend per pupil
- Extra-curricular contribution (Profit) per pupil
- Overall Participation rates at Events & of Pupils
So how can
Tepo Consulting help?
Knowing what are the most popular and sought after activities by age group is critical to extracurricular success.
Equally, like any restaurant that provides too many choices on the menu, providing just the right number of activities is important for the pupils to make their choices and important for the school to manage quality and cost and to improve participation rates .

This is why Tepo has teamed up with a specialist in this area with a wealth of experience providing topical and profitable regular activities and holiday camps.
Mr Sylvain Jimbert from www.my-activity.ch, is a Swiss based ECA advisor who will be happy to provide an ExtraCurricular “health check” for schools both small and large and make recommendations that will improve your satisfaction and participation rates whilst ensuring a positive contribution to the schools bottom line.

For more information please get in touch with Tepo or contact SJimbert@my-activity.ch directly.